1:20 AM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The lovers in the night
They want to last forever
Dreading every moment
they have without each other
Each time the couples fight
Their bonds are slightly cut
Some are simply too tired
and long for both to part
My friends, they complain:
My boyfriend is a mess!
He doesn't treat me right at all
Staying single is the best!
And soon the next day,
broken hearts fill the scene
Souls wander away
Not knowing what love means
But they don't know anything
how lucky that they are
They had love and a fulfilled heart,
While the road to mine is still quite far
You better cherish him
And never let him go
There are people who're not so lucky
that travel their lives alone
As for me, im one of them
Those lost and never found
Those who disappeared away
without a wanted sound
So count your stars and keep your lover
No chance to go to waste
While others ponder about this 'love'
which they havent got to taste